Elbow Pain

What is it?

Elbow pain refers to any pain that is felt in and around the elbow. Exactly where you feel that pain dictates the likely cause of your problem.

The most common types of elbow pain are Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylalgia) and Golferā€™s elbow (medial epicondylalgia). The key difference is with tennis elbow you will feel pain on the outer elbow, whereas golfers elbow you will feel it on the inside of the elbow.Ā 

How it might show up in your life?

Pain in your elbow with gripping and lifting activities

Struggle to get through a full dayā€™s work without pain

Everyday tasks like lifting the kettle or putting the dishes away cause pain

Typing aggravates the problem

Pain gets worse with repetitive movements

Sore and stiff in the morning and after rest

Where you might feel pain?

On the outside of the elbow (tennis elbow)

On the inside of the elbow (golfers elbow)

Pain may radiate down your forearm.

How it might feel?

Tender and sore to the touch

Your arm may feel weaker

May feel hot, with some redness and thickening around the area

Dull or Aching pain

Stiff and limited movement for hours after activity

Why do I get Elbow pain?

Tennis elbow and Golfers elbow are the same condition, but affecting two different areas. In both conditions the tendons attaching your forearm muscles into the elbow, are repetitively overused, causing an overload on the tendons.

This commonly results from activities involving repetitive use of the upper arm including manual labour tasks like plastering, painting or using a screw driver. It also arises from repetitive computer/keyboard use, or lifting and gripping activities.

It is common in sports like tennis, golf and swimming, that require repetitive upper arm gripping and rotational movements.

It can result from weakness elsewhere in the body, such as the shoulder. If your rotator cuff isnā€™t as strong as it should be or you lack movement in your shoulder this can increase pressure and strain on your elbow.Ā 

How long will my pain last?

Tennis and golfersā€™ elbow can be stubborn and take anywhere from a few weeks right up to 18 months and beyond to settle. Generally, the sooner you address the problem the better the outcome is.

Other causes of elbow pain include nerve pain/irritation or entrapment (tarsal tunnel syndrome), Osteoarthritis of your elbow joint or trauma to the elbow (fall) resulting in fracture (radial head, olecranon or fractured ulna).Ā 

How do we treat Elbow Pain?

We use our 4-step system to assess and treat your elbow as outlined below. This ensures you have the best possible chance of getting better and the problem not returning in future.

1) Assess

First we listen to you and take a detailed history of your pain and problem. Then we assess your body and painful joint using simple movement tests and screens.

We then explain your likely diagnosis and proposed treatment plan of exactly what we need to do to get you better.

2) Mobilise

We then begin treatment. This usually involves a combination of hands-on techniques as outlined below to help improve joint stiffness, decrease pain and improve muscle and nerve tension.

Soft tissue massage and mobilisation

Joint mobilisation

Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Muscle Energy Techniques


Advice around lifestyle, posture and ergonomics.

We begin to build your exercise rehab programme ensuring it fits around your life and is not overwhelming.

3) Strengthen

Once pain has begun to settle and we are moving in the right direction, the emphasis shifts to helping you build the necessary strength and resilience of muscles and joints in order to get those long-lasting results. We work with you 1:1 in our dedicated rehab space and/or start you in our group PhysioFit Pilates classes.Ā 

4) Optimise

Now that you are well on your way to being pain free, we show you how to build on these results. Many of our clients choose to start our Physio Led Pilates. classes which are an excellent way to stay consistent with your exercises and to keep you on track going forwards.
Note: Most people donā€™t need scans but if during the assessment or subsequent treatment sessions we decide your condition does need further investigation like an X-ray or MRI, we have the facilities to refer you privately if you wish. Usually, we can get this organised and have a result within 3-5 days.Ā 

How do I get started?

If you are ready to book in then you can either phone the main desk on 0191 814 9717, or use our easy online booking system by clicking here and selecting the ā€˜Physiotherapy Assessment/First Appointmentā€™ option at a day and time that suits you. You will usually be offered an appointment within 48 hours.Ā Ā 

Like to speak to someone first?

No problem, please call the main desk and if needed we can have a physio call you back to discuss your specific situation.Ā 


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All of our appointments can be easily booked online or if youā€™d prefer to discuss your needs prior to booking in then please call 0191 814 9717 and we will be happy to chat.