Hip Pain

Hip pain refers to any pain that is experienced in and around your hip joint, which connects your upper leg bone to your pelvis.

Common types?

True or actual hip joint pain is felt on the inside of your hip or crease of your groin. People may also experience pain on or around the bony part of your hip (lateral hip pain). This type of pain indicates a likelyĀ problem with soft tissues like muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Where you feel pain will give a strong indication of what type of problem you are suffering from.

JL PhysioFit

How it might show up in your life?

Pain when going up and down stairs

Pain first thing in the day

Struggle to get in and out the car or out of a low seat

It is sore lifting your leg

Pain may gradually get worse the longer you sit

Struggle with socks and shoes

Reaching for pain killers

Where you might feel pain?

Crease of the groin

Outside of hip (bony part)

Deep in the buttock

Pain down the leg to the knee

How it might feel?

Constant or intermittent (comes and goes)

Dull, diffuse ache that gradually eases with movement

Sharp, catching sensation or nip in the hip

Why do I get Hip Pain?

There are a number of reasons why you may develop hip pain. One of the most common causes is osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip joint. To find out more on OA please visit our OA page, which explains the condition in more detail.Ā 

Hip Anatomy

The hip joint is a ball and socket joint just like the shoulder. They are similar in that they allow for a lot of movement, but the key difference is that the hip is a more stable joint. This is to help us evenly distribute load from the upper body and pelvis to the legs when we are on our feet.

The hip is made up of the thigh bone (femur), which is the ball, joining into the pelvis bone (acetabulum), which is the socket. The hip is susceptible to developing OA due to the loads we put through it (being on our feet) and this is a normal process of ageing.

Gradually and overtime the cartilage (shock absorber) starts to deteriorate so that eventually we start to expose and pressure the two ends of the bone, which can lead to pain. If this is not identified and treated it can eventually lead to needing a total hip replacement. To find out more about this please click here.

This rate at which this process occurs is dictated by certain factors such as genetics, lifestyle, weight and generally how fit and strong we are. These days people spend a lot of time at the desk, which can lead to muscular imbalances that affect the hip. Itā€™s really important to first identify these and then apply strategies such as physiotherapy and exercise to counteract them.Ā 

JL PhysioFit

Other types of Hip Pain?

Lateral hip pain; this is pain that is generally felt on the outside of the hip, either on the bony part or just above or behind it.

This bony point is not to be confused for your hip joint, it is actually a bit of the thigh bone that sticks out and is the attachment site for various muscles, tendons and ligaments. We can experience pain here when muscles are either too tight or too weak, causing excess pressure on this area.

This pressure can also cause bursitis, which is where your bursa (a fluid filled sac that sits between the muscle and the skin) becomes inflamed and painful.

Depending on the type of pain you are experiencing, getting the correct diagnosis will dictate the likely healing timeframes and management path most appropriate to you.Ā 

How do we treat Hip Pain?

We use our 4-step system to assess and treat your hip as outlined below. This ensures you have the best possible chance of getting better and the problem not returning in future.Ā 

1) Assess

First we listen to you and take a detailed history of your pain and problem. Then we assess your back, hips and lower legs using simple movement tests and screens.Ā 

We then explain your likely diagnosis and proposed treatment plan of exactly what we need to do to get you better.Ā 

2) Mobilise

We then begin treatment. This usually involves a combination of hands-on techniques as outlined below to help improve hip joint stiffness, decrease pain and improve muscle and nerve tension.

Soft tissue massage and mobilisation

Joint mobilisation

Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Muscle Energy Techniques


Advice around lifestyle, posture and ergonomics.

We begin to build your exercise rehab programme ensuring it fits around your life and is not overwhelming.Ā 

3) Strengthen

Once pain has begun to settle and we are moving in the right direction, the emphasis shifts to helping you build the necessary strength and resilience of muscles and joints in order to get those long-lasting results. We work with you 1:1 in our dedicated rehab space and/or start you in our group PhysioFit Pilates classes.Ā 

4) Optimise

Now that you are well on your way to being pain free, we show you how to build on these results. Many of our clients choose to start our Physio Led Pilates classes, which are an excellent way to stay consistent with your exercises and to keep you on track going forwards.Ā 

Note: Most people donā€™t need scans but if during the assessment or subsequent treatment sessions we decide your condition does need further investigation like an X-ray or MRI, we have the facilities to refer you privately if you wish. Usually, we can get this organised and have a result within 3-5 days.Ā 

How do I get started?

If you are ready to book in then you can either phone the main desk on 0191 814 9717, or use our easy online booking system by clicking hereĀ and selecting the ā€˜Physiotherapy Assessment/First Appointmentā€™ option at a day and time that suits you. You will usually be offered an appointment within 48 hours.Ā 

Like to speak to someone first?

No problem, please call the main desk and if needed we can have a physio call you back to discuss your specific situation.Ā 


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Ready to Book?

All of our appointments can be easily booked online or if youā€™d prefer to discuss your needs prior to booking in then please call 0191 814 9717 and we will be happy to chat.